Spear Hero 433

Finally, an update! Go read Spearbro 433, if you’d like.

There’s two major reasons for the radio silence, and one important announcement. I’ve had about a solid week of translating total since my last post, all thanks to travelling, family time, babysitting, job searching, and just general lack of internet access. I’m only online now because I remembered my local university had free internet in their libraries.

Alright, so not much time on the computer; with a week of translating, I should’ve gotten a lot done, right? Frankly though, I’ve only ended up with a chapter and a half of Spearbro. For whatever reason, my motivation on this series is completely shot. I can’t get more than two hours of stop and go effort on each chapter before I find myself reflexively on youtube or somewhere else equally wasteful.

This leads me into my important announcement: I’m only guaranteeing Spearbro through the end of the current arc (which ends somewhere in the 450s). No promises on how fast that’ll be out either, unless the next few chapters really ignite the flame they used to have in my heart. It’s shitty of me, I know, but in the end, I work on what I want to work on, and it’s not fair to me or you readers if I’m just going to sit on the series and make empty promises about when I’ll find the motivation to put out.

Thanks for reading.

Spear Hero 430

Surprise! Have chapter 430! Goodness, that was a delay, huh?… I’m so sorry orz

Long story short, everything in my apartment that could break (from the central AC to the oven) did its very best to do so, I secured my roommate for the next year regardless, and I had a short crisis about how I shouldn’t have spent four years at a university racking up debt if I would end up wanting to be a wind turbine field technician. Fun stuff, all.

In other news, do you like my banner? I drew it myself.

Spear Hero 429

This one was a butt to translate. The first 2/3rds were straightforward dialogue, so maybe I got overconfident? Let’s go with that. The next chapter looks like it starts with more of the same three-part-sentence dialogues, so I probs won’t be rolling it out as fast as this one. Not sure though. I blazed through the start of this chapter almost immediately after I posted the last one, so there’s no telling. Maybe it’ll even come out in the next few hours?! (It won’t)

Spear Hero 428

Have a gander at this. See that link? Take feast your eyes on the first real forward progress we’ve had in a year!

I’m posting this on a Wednesday, so I totally made good on the three days expectation. Of course, you’ll all be kind enough to overlook the fact that, it’s Thursday for more than half the world right now, right?

Something odd went on with the sequence of events at the end of this chapter; sorry, but I did my best. Enjoy!

Spear Hero 424

Here‘s the next chapter. And with this, that annoying eyesore of a two-chapter gap has breathed its last! Good work everyone; take heart that no one need suffer as you did ever again for the sake of Spearbro.

d(TT^TT o)

I didn’t plan to push this out so fast, but I got super motivated when all the hits started coming in from novelupdates. So far it looks like it takes me about 9 hours of straight work per chapter…? I wanna aim for a chapter per 3-5 days of relaxed, careful work.

Next up is 428! But I haven’t even looked at 425-427 yet.  I’ll consider requests to redo them if they’re rough, but I’ll be doing them from scratch, so it’ll push things back.

Thank you for visiting! I hope this’ll be the start of a great and well regarded endeavor.